Scientific Papers

1990 ~ 1999

The following researches were conducted between 1990 ~ 1999.

A-type proanthocyanidins from peanut skins

H. Lou, Y. Yamazaki, T. Sasaki, M. Utida, H. Tanaka, S. Oka
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, TOKIWA Phytochemical Co., Ltd.
Phytochemistry, 51(2), 297-308. (1999)

Inhibitory effect of the leaf extract of Ginkgo biloba L. on oxidative stress-induced platelet aggregation. (1998)


Akiba S, Kawauchi T, Oka T, Hashizume T, Sato T.
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Pathological Chemistry Laboratory
Biochem Mol Biol Int., 46(6), 1243-1248. (1998)

Extraction of DNA and RAPD Analysis from Dried Licorice Root. (1995)


Yamazaki M, Sato A, Shimomura K, Inoue K, Ebizuka Y, Murakoshi I, Saito K.
Chiba University, TOKIWA Phytochemical Co., Ltd.
Nat Med, 49(4), 488-490. (1995)

Genetic relationships among Glycyrrhiza plants determined by RAPD and RFLP analyses. (1994)


Yamazaki M, Sato A, Shimomura K, Saito K, Murakoshi I. 
Chiba University, TOKIWA Phytochemical Co., Ltd.
Biol Pharm Bull, 17(11), 1529-1531. (1994)

Molecular phylogeny based on RFLP and its relation with alkaloid patterns in Lupinus plants. (1993)


Yamazaki M, Sato A, Saito K, Murakoshi I.
Chiba University, TOKIWA Phytochemical Co., Ltd.
Biol Pharm Bull., 16(11), 1182-1184. (1993)